Monday, December 18, 2006

Dare I hope?

Tears of joy. Okay, that's a bit melodramatic. But, oh sweet end! I thought you were more distant.
This semester was overwhelming at points.

This degree is dense like Guinness in more ways than one, and I have learned the importance of true devotion to studies.

If I coddled Augustine and savoured Luke, if I wed Anselm and digested Yeago, I would be better for it. At moments, I read merely to apprehend, not to understand I will not do this again in the new year. I worked hard, but not quite hard enough. I have to quit thinking that I deserve these frequent and drawn-out breaks from reading and working on essays. (I think I am beginning to understand why so many T.A.'s and profs have glasses.) Although, everyone has A.D.D. - just to varying degrees.

A highlight of this past semester was the feedback from submitting one of my songs as a graded assignment for a 'History of Christianity' course. Beautiful choirs make my heart feel as though it's expanding – positive feedback makes my shoulders feel broader.

To dream is to doubt.


Beka said...

two things after reading this:
1) proud of you
2) inspired

G said...

Hey Man,

way to go. I'm glad that this semester had ended. Learning is so painful yet, at the same time, it's so rewarding.