Have you ever wondered what the person next to you on the train was thinking?
If I was sitting next to you, this is what you would have have wanted to know.
I turned around in the hotel lobby and this guy was standing there with his hand on a kid's shoulder. He smiled at me and said, "Hey, I'd like to introduce you to my son." We talked for a while and I guess I have an honest face because he decided to confide in me. He lowered his voice as he said, "It's too bad, really. We don't know who the mother is. I used to go down to the pub to pick up a lot more than I do now. Must've been some nine-month stand."
I've got my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds. There are only a few options here.
- gigantism
- a summit
- low clouds
- decapitation
When I get married and have all eight boys we're going to celebrate Christmas by exchanging gifts. Then we're going to take something we don't use anymore from a previous Christmas or birthday and give it away. It'll give the boys a more balanced understanding of the season.
when you're throwing around words like "all eight boys" i believe the correct word to use would be IF rather than WHEN you get married. eight boys. yikes.
that was an enjoyable stop at imagination station.
and have a wonderful christmas. it sounds lovely.
i thought you said your sperm count was too low.
you lie.
now i know how you really feel.
the comments here are just as good as the story.
thanks for the laughs peoples.
the mind is a wonderful, random place, isn't it?
i discovered today that 'fod' in dutch is 'foot'
just an interesting tid-bit.
so, are you saying you don't like your gifts?
kathy's right.
the comments are as good as the story.
we are all crazy!
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