Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I have shameful visions
of falling down the stairs. Lying
broken and crippled at the bottom of an
unrelenting flight I recall my misstep and grit
my teeth as I mouth the word, “stupid!” to ……… myself.

I seriously do. It's weird. The next thing I do is fumble for my cell.


Me said...

1. who do you call?
2. I hear ya, mine is getting lost and going round and round in useless a circle in search of something that i might not ever find.
3. you're not stupid, you're human and you can always get up again

Beka said...

I always picture myself falling down stairs every time I go down them. I thought I was just morbid.

pxpaulx said...

I have shameful visions
of Lonely Blogs. Thoughts Lying
broken and crippled at the bottom of unrelenting HTML code I recall my misstep and grit
my teeth as I mouth the word, “stupid!” to ……… bad bloggers (such as myself).

Dave said...

Merks – I definitely don't call ghostbusters - those guys are way too old to do anything about it now. That, and I'm fairly certain that there are no ghosts involved with my clumsy feet ... unless ...

Pokinatcha Paul – The only bad thing about your blogs is that you don't post often enough!