Monday, May 5, 2008

Subway, eat lots.

Originally uploaded by the fod.
I'd like to say we were kind, even charming, but the truth is we didn't have to say much to the delinquent staff at this undisclosed Subway location.

I believe it was Joseph who commented that, despite the staff's lack of faith in their baking abilities, we were willing to eat anything, as long as it came in large quantities.

The tray was delivered to our table along with a smile after we had started our subs.

I think we got through half of them before the manager arrived for her shift and cut our little party short with a curt, "I'll take that!" as she snatched the tray of overcooked, yet delicious cookies from us.

Moral of the story? Gorge while you still can.


Ted Avery said...

Hahaha, that's awesome. How could the manager take them away? You paid for them, didn't you??

kattykatty said...

haha! that's an awesome story. and very, very chapmanesque.

Anonymous said...

mercy says:
haha, why did they give you the tray of cookies in the first place?